Making our way...

Back to the Sonic Warriors United Bunker, on the first day of snow on our side of the planet. It didn't stick or hold much, but I'm sure there will be more. On arriving going to layout the new work schedule and whiteboard the results from our brainstorming session.

Foto Highlight Series

Nocturnal Rhythm Tour Stop in a small nice club, we planed one floor just for Live Sets,here Floppy on the machines and Chrissie Pike playing violin.

Der Nocturnal Rhythm Tour Stop in einen kleinen feinen Club,ein Floor war nur für Live Acts geplant, hier Floppy an den Maschinen und Chrissie Pike spielt Violine.

[ Denard Henry: Current Videos, Music▼loads + Events ]

Plattenladen Award 2011 von Cargo Records

Wir supporten unseren lokalen Record Store,
Marleen Records
und wir hoffen auf Euren Support!

Vote für Marleen Record Store, Fulda
Liebe Leute, wir brauchen eure Hilfe, damit wir den diesjährigen Plattenladen Award gewinnen können.
Jede Stimme vom 1.11.2011 – 31.1.2012 ist wichtig! 
Ihr könnt mit eurer Stimme einen wundervollen Plattenspieler gewinnen!

Bitte teilt diese Info auch mit euren Freunden

Vote für Marleen Record Store in Fulda Hier!

Und Ihr sollt für Euren Einsatz belohnt werden:

1. Preis: ein 33punkt3 Plattenspieler von Cargo Records.

Vote für Marleen Record Store, Fulda

2. Preis: ein Besuch im Schallplattenpresswerk.

Außerdem winken monatliche Preise wie Limited Editions, signierte Tonträger, Gästelisten, Merch und vieles mehr!

• • • •

Neben den Titel "Plattenladen des Jahres 2011" gibt es für uns folgendes zu gewinnen:

1. Preis: eine Cargo Records Party zum Record Store Day 2012 in unserem Laden, zu der ihr dann natürlich eingeladen werdet, sofern wir es schaffen.

Jede Stimme vom 1.11.2011 – 31.1.2012 ist wichtig!
Bitte teilt diese Info auch mit Euren Freunden

Vote für Marleen Record Store in Fulda Hier!

1000 Dank und eine schöne Zeit : )

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Panoptikum, Kassel - Nov. 18 - Wechselstrom


Livekonzert von
im 21.Jahr seit Gründung

musikalisch umrahmt durch
Electroides, EBM-iges, Technoides und Industrielles von den
Denard Henry und Scanner
ab ca.0:00 Uhr im
2.Floor durch die
Marcus Tik
and friends

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Pop Art Lab Photo + Music Event ~ Nov. 12th!

Pop Art Lab Photo Event!
November 12. – 12:00-05:00pm SLT/PDT – 21:00-02:00 CET

Time is up! Saturday we’ll be announcing winning photos in our contest!
Get on board and come experience a massive 5 hour event including some of the best DJs and live music!


12:00 pm DJ BRB aka Claus Uriza
01:30 pm Winning Annoucements w. Hosts Persia Bravin/Claus Uriza (Pop Art Lab)
02:00 pm Live Music: Engrama (Arg/Esp)
03:00 pm DJ Unknown aka Evil Laa (US)
04:00 pm DJ Denard Henry aka Sonic Architect
05:00 pm Departure

Second Life Access

*For live stream details follow me on Twitter

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taking a tech break: SixthSense

  This demo from Pattie Maes' lab at MIT, spearheaded by Pranav Mistry was the buzz of TED.
It's a wearable device with a projector that paves the way for profound interaction with our environment.
Imagine "Minority Report" and then some.

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SWU Merchandise Competition

(Text auf Deutsch siehe unten.)

Unscramble the music makers!

Greetings everyone, things have been very busy here at the Sonic Warriors United central. We're planning our upcoming tours and showcases plus working on a new SWU compilation.

We've been keeping our Sonic Seekers in mind and would like to start a little something to up the fun factor for those of you that have been requesting SWU merchandise.

We will be doing spontaneous online giveaways, so here's your chance to get your hands on SWU stickers, buttons, t-shirts, hoodies, hats and more.

Being that the art and soul of our SWU project is about the fusion of Electro, Techno, EBM, Industrial Beats and Atmospheres this should be a lot of fun for everyone. We will be posting a scrambled artist name or project name* that you need to unscramble in order to receive a SWU reward.

Here's how to get started:

1. Choose to Follow ~ Twitter / Like ~ Facebook / Circle ~ Google+ Sonic Warriors United.

2. Catch our update that looks like this:

today's #sonic_seekers_mission » unscramble the music makers: RTLEA OEG

(This is just an example!)

3. Be the first to reply to this update via Facebook/Google+ with the correct answer and via Twitter using the hash tag #sonic_seekers_mission in your answer:

@s_w_u #sonic_seekers_mission » Alter Ego

We will send you a Direct Message on how to receive your Sonic Warriors United merchandise... easy!

So here we go, let's discover / rediscover artists and music together with other Sonic Seekers and receive some free merchandise and more from the SWU camp.

Next launch dates announced via our Twitter, Facebook and Google+ sites. There is no limit to how often you can win, so tell a Friend!

*Here's a little tip: keep an eye on the Electronic Dance Music hash tag #e_d_m in our Twitter-Timeline for names that might be used for future posts + subscribe to Soundz we like... on Youtube.

« · »

Findet heraus, wer die Musikmacher sind!

Hallo alle zusammen, hier in der Sonic Warriors United Zentrale ist eine Menge los. Wir planen unsere kommenden Touren und Shows und arbeiten an einer neuen SWU-Compilation.

Wir haben unsere Sonic Seekers nicht vergessen und wollen hier mit einer kleinen Sache anfangen, um den Spaßfaktor für diejenigen zu erhöhen, die nach SWU Merchandise-Artikeln gefragt haben.

Wir werden spontane Online-Geschenkaktionen machen - das ist eure Chance, um an SWU-Sticker, Buttons, T-Shirts, Hoodies, Mützen und mehr zu kommen!

Da das Herz und die Seele unseres SWU-Projektes in der Fusion von Electro, Techno, EBM, Industrial Beats und Atmosphären liegt, sollte das allen viel Spaß machen. Wir verfremden den Namen eines Künstlers oder Projektes*, den ihr entwirren müßt, damit ihr eine SWU-Belohnung bekommen könnt.

Und so geht's:

1. Wählt für Sonic Warriors United Folgen ~ Twitter / Mögen ~ Facebook / Einkreisen ~ Google+.

2. Haltet Ausschau nach unserem Update, dass wie folgt aussieht:

today's #sonic_seekers_mission » unscramble the music makers: RTLEA OEG

(Das ist nur ein Beispiel!)

3. Sei der erste, der uns per Facebook / Google+ und auf Twitter mittels des Hash-tags #sonic_seekers_mission die richtige Antwort schickt:

@s_w_u #sonic_seekers_mission » Alter Ego

Wir senden dann eine private Direktnachricht über Twitter, in der ihr erfahrt, wie ihr euer Sonic Warriors United Merchandise-Geschenk erhaltet... so einfach ist das!

Es kann also losgehen – entdeckt Künstler und Musiker zusammen mit anderen Sonic Seekers und gewinnt Merchandising-Artikel und mehr vom SWU-Camp!

Das nächste Startdatum wird auf Unserer Twitter, Facebook and Google+. bekanntgegeben. Kein limit für wie oft du gewinnen kannst, lass es deine Freuende wissen!

*Kleiner Tip: behaltet ein Auge auf dem Electronic Dance Music Hash-tag #e_d_m in unserer Twitter-Timeline, um Namen zu sehen, die eventuell in künftigen Posts verwendet werden + meldet Euch für Soundz we like... auf Youtube an.

[ Denard Henry: Current Videos, Music▼loads + Events ]

The power of three

Thing's have been very hectic the past days, so I've been trying to regain control on productivity, focusing on three tasks, but keeping thing's flexible as well.
The goal, complete all tasks within the day. With the option of completing whatever is undone the next day, but not letting the original three tasks exceed a week + doing my best not to add a task to the flow until all three original tasks are complete.
To monitor my progress, I then add completed tasks to my "Done List".
So far, so good.

[ Denard Henry: Current Videos, Music▼loads + Events ]

Pop Art Lab 3 year Anniversary!

Pop Art Lab 3 year Anniversary!
September 3. – 12:00-06:00pm SLT/PDT – 21:00-03:00 CET
Black Celebration: Blackout DJ B-Day Special
Suddenly we are 3 and want to bang the drums!!! We have hosted endless (50-70) events and seen SL change, grow but we still here! We have had up at 75.000 visitors. We have streamed more than 1750 full lenght albums! We have been mentioned in LA Times and endless other notable blogs and sites on webz. We have hosted some of the most influental machinima contest in SL. We have designed full simrollouts. We have done 15-20 music TV shows in collab with Treet.TV. We have interviewed real life rock gods like Greg Hawkes (The Cars). We have presented Pop Art Lab at confrences as far away as San Francisco, Dublin and Finland. We are maybe the very first fully digital 3D streamservice allowing visitors to listen to music in 3D like it was a musicmag’s “new albums reviewsection”!
We want to celebrate 3 years of fun!
Get on board and come experience a massive 6 hour live-DJ event!
12pm Arrival
1pm DJ BRB aka Claus Uriza
2pm DJ ℓαyℓo aka Laylo Stipe
3pm DJ Denard Henry aka Sonic Architect
4pm DJ Danxx Cluny
5pm DJ Unknown aka Evil Laa
6pm Departure

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Kassablanca - Jena - DE - Nov. 3, 2007 / k - Local Sonic Seekers

Bei unserem SWU Tourstop im Kassablanca Club Jena wurden wir mit einem grossartigen Publikum belohnt.

Our SWU Tour Stop in Kassablanca club Jena - Germany was a special one. We got rewarded with a great party crowd.

Escaping the heat!

Spent the day in the SWU Bunker escaping the heat and topping off the "Done List".

A thunder storm rushed in late evening and cooled everything down for our walk, quite refreshing.

Storm clouds to the right moving East.

Off the grid and into the patch.

Had a great weekend with Family. Enjoyed being off the grid for awhile. Got to see thing's from a different perspective. Now I'm ready for all the items on our whiteboard in the coming weeks :-]

August 22 - MONDAYS ADDICTS at Soundlive Club


MONDAY AUGUST 22, 12-4PM SL, Techno Nation. 
Addicted to the best TEKNO music, MONDAYS ADDICTS@ We Love Techno.



See you teKno Addicts soon!

SL Teleport • World Wide Live Stream

SLT ~ Second Life Time = California, USA, Time Zone.
[Time converter for 12 pm start time in your country]

Stay connected for unique music events via 
the Sonic Seekers Group in Second Life.

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Vinyl Ambulance Live Stream Highlights Pt. 1 and 2

The crew from Vinyl Ambulance
made highlights from our sets on August 12, 2011 for your enjoyment.

Get an earful of the Sonic Journey created by Jana Clemen and I
Your comments are welcomed below

Follow and Like Vinyl Ambulance

The show ran for 4 hours from the Sonic Warriors United Bunker

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Tasty and filled with hope

This week was a whirl wind of activity between discovery and adjusting.

Had a great time in Berlin and two major meetings went well related to our project

I really want to revamp my Blog layout. I think the timing is good, I'm ready to post my music and there's a lot of new Blogger temples available as well. we go!

1stContact: ~SerpentEclipse)

A bunch of samplers which are controlled/triggered like phases of a moon. The vertical 'serpents' create stutter effects. The horizontal 'serpents' control the sequencer(the serpent traverses the orbit into which the moons must enter). In addition, there is a cellular automata matrix sequencer which controls effects' preset-triggering. Effects include a sidechained comp, peaklimiter, filters(lopass,hipass,bandpass,notch), my FFT secretsauce, tempo-synced variable-shape amplitude cutting, and variable ping-pong delays(plus one main output mastering VST plugin option). Fed into the FFT secretsauce(a convolution effect i call RedShift) are a choice of 2 synths to convolve with output from the samplers: one is 'atebyte' which is an 8-bit emulating synth created by Jack A. Perkins and Vlad Spears(modded by me), another is 'noisul8or', a noise-based subtractive synth created by Chris Core

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SWU Stickers and Buttons for You...

Have Arrived!

T-shirts and other Sonic Warriors United merchandise 
is on the way for Showcase Events and Tour Dates.

Here's how you can get your hands on some SWU swag 
by helping us spread the word about upcoming shows.

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In Berlin on July 30th at Eschschloraque!

Sonic Warriors United Showcase 
On July 30th come early, stay late for a night 
with Sonic Warriors United members
for an electrifying night powered by the fusion of 
Techno, Electro, Rhythmic Industrial, EBM classics and future classics
10pm 22 Uhr
Rosenthaler str 39, 10178 Berlin - Mitte
 [SWU stickers and buttons will be available this night at Eschschloraque while they last]
In 2007, the Sonic Warriors United [SWU] project was born out of love for
the roots of electronic music and with the knowledge and experience of more
than 20 years of artistic engagement. This mission is the revitalisation of
something that has fallen into oblivion since about 1991 when the scenes
started to separate.

SWU is about thrilling a new generation of Sonic Seekers with an excellent
and unique mix of Old School and New School Beats and Atmospheres.

* Here's how to benefit from upcoming showcases, while assisting SWU in spreading the word! *

UPDATE!  Some of you are out of range for this event or have other obligations. If all goes well you'll be able to catch us live via Ustream + Live Chat. Be sure to click [Join Crowd] and you will be notified when we go live ;-]

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Thoughts -n- Motion

Back after a nice weekend in the Thüringer mountains with friends. First time in a long time I was able to sleep late and deep.

This helped spark thoughts and ideas I will work on this week.

On the ride back, backgrounds sounds from Christian Morgenstern - The Future is on Fire. Very inspirational sounds.

New input, nice change of scenery...very much needed.

Learning how to escape

Moving in slow motion today, so we decided to enjoy some brain food, while brainstorming, in a local bio-beer garden. Refreshing after a the kind of week I had. Hope you can find your weekend escape to recharge your creative flow.

Flowing in the right direction

Found the need to rearrange my physical work environment, something I've been meaning to do for sometime now, but only been able to get around to it now. It has taken one week to complete and I'm already feeling the positive effects.

June 29 - Underground Sounds at Collectors Club, SL


The music moves the world, move with their sound:

RenanYoy 10am SLT


JANA Clemen 2pm SLT

DENARD Henry 4pm SLT

Dive with us into the depths of more underground sounds.

SL Teleport • World Wide Live Stream
SLT ~ Second Life Time = California, USA, Time Zone.
[Time converter for 10 am start time in your country]

Stay connected for unique music events via 
the Sonic Seekers Group in Second Life.

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Sculpture: Flip and Two Twisters

A clip from Flip and Two Twisters a documentary about Len Lye 
the New Zealand born kinetic artist and filmmaker. Directed by Shirley Horrocks.

June 20 - MONDAYS ADDICTS at Soundlive Club


MONDAY JUNE 20, 12-6PM SL, Techno Nation.

AndroidBase 12pm SL

Rydel 4 pm SL

SL Teleport • World Wide Live Stream
SLT ~ Second Life Time = California, USA, Time Zone.
[Time converter for 12 pm start time in your country]

You are Techno and you're my addiction.

Stay connected for unique music events via 
the Sonic Seekers Group in Second Life.

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Wave Gotik Treffen Leipzig 2011 Rewind


Visited Sonic Warriors United member Christian Bergmann [ 1979 • DJ-Frequen-C ] Checking out sounds from his side project "After White Smoke".

Later that evening headed over to Clock DVA very inspiring!

Dark Flower Club [ @DarkFlowerLE ]
was the place for our after hour tunes by
Dj Thedi [ @anstalt ] and DJ-Frequen-C top sets!

 Headed over to Anker @Schlagstrom showcase
walking through the door at Anker catching "Greyhound" banging it!

N.U. Unruh [ Einstuerzende Neubauten ] at Anker 
was a interactive performance that went in all kinds of directions

Refreshing sounds from @hybryds at Anker nice!

Dark Flower Club [ @sandiegomusic ] Haujobb video preview for 
"Dead Market" Directed by Boris May [ @klangstabil  ]

Marita Schreck at Werk 2 good stage presence and sonic fusion.

Esplendor Geometrico at Werk 2 full house for unique voice styling+pulsating sounds.

Mid-Night Special performance by 
Recoil [ @recoilofficial ] at Agra great tunes/video

 + surprise guest Douglas McCarthy [ @Nitzer_Ebb ]

Thanks for stopping by!
You can catch live updates from the Sonic Warriors United crew via
Twitter and Facebook

Foto Highlight Series

Während unserer 1. Sonic Warriors United Tour hat C - Dex a.k.a. Chris Dexter eines seiner unverwechselbaren DJ Sets im Sound & Culture Club Eisenach zum Besten gegeben.

During our first Sonic Warriors United Tour, C - Dex a.k.a. Chris Dexter played one of his unique DJ sets in Sound & Culture club Eisenach.

[ Denard Henry: Current Videos, Music▼loads + Events ]

Sunday Underground Sounds May 15 at SOUNDLIVE!

 SUNDAY MAY 15, 10am-6pm sl,


Enjoy and come live the adventure of the best direct Sound by

   MUCK Tomsen       10am SLT


MB ONE                 2pm

LEILALA Memel     4pm

Music is part of you, live it
SL Teleport • World Wide Live Stream
SLT ~ Second Life Time = California, USA, Time Zone.
[Time converter for 10am start time in your country]

More info. about SoundLive

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Club Deedz, April 28 2011 - "Techno From All Over The World"

Trigs Toki 12- 1: 30 pm SLT

Claude Fizz aka Vali T. 1:30 - 3 pm SLT

SL Teleport • World Wide Live Stream
SLT ~ Second Life Time = California, USA, Time Zone.
[Time converter for 12 pm start time in your country]

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Monday Addicts - April 25 at SoundLive!

Addicted to the best underground electronic music
MONDAYS ADDICTS@SoundLive.Org, Addicted to TECHNO.

Denard Henry 12- 2 pm SLT

Leilala Memel 2-4 pm SLT

see you teKno Addicts.
SL Teleport • World Wide Live Stream

SLT ~ Second Life Time = California, USA, Time Zone.
[Time converter for 12 pm start time in your country]

More info. about SoundLive

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A Message from Marleen Records, in Video and Photo format





April 16, 2011 Record Store Day Streams Part one, Part two, Part three and Part four

See you next year for Record Store Day!

Go to show page» Upcoming Shows» Remind Me for upcoming shows!

View photos of the event on Flickr

Marleen Records, Selling Vinyl By The Pound

See ya' in the store and or reading your comments in the live chat!

Call +49 0661 79478 for daily store hours.

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Limited back-stock supply of Cipher / Hematite 12" Vinyl via my Merchandise Page