A new Life has begun | Ein neues Leben hat begonnen...

8.Februar 2012, 3 Uhr 
8th February 2012, 3 am

erste Wehen  
first contractions
7 Uhr 
7 am

3 Minuten zwischen den Wehen 
3 minutes between contractions

9 Uhr, Die Geburt schreitet voran  
9am the birth is progress

und 11:56  
and 11:56 am...

unser kleines Mädchen hat die Welt erblickt 
our little girl arrives into the world

ein Moment für uns 3 alleine, um Uns kennenzulernen
a moment for us 3 alone to know each other

16 Uhr nachmittags 
4pm in the afternoon

entspannt und in guten Händen
relaxing and in good hands

ein unvergesslicher Tag geht zu Ende
an unforgettable day is over

Willkomen kleine Adriana Kaya, du bist das Beste was uns passieren konnte, wir freuen uns auf ein gemeinsames Leben mit Dir 
Welcome little Adriana Kaya, you are the best that has happened to us, we're looking forward for a lifetime together with you

[ Denard Henry: Current Videos, Music▼loads + Events ]

SWU Merchandise is in the Post and on the way!

Sending out SWU Merchandise to our 1st three  
Sonic Seekers Mission winners!
Winner and featured Artist for November 16, 2011
Winner and featured Artist for January 06, 2012
Winner and featured Artist for January 27, 2012  
Be the next winner / owner of SWU Merchandise:
Information for the next Sonic Seekers Mission » Here Hier
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Limited back-stock supply of Cipher / Hematite 12" Vinyl via my Merchandise Page